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About Us.

A virtual and collaborative place.


Architecture has the intrinsic ability toto transformspaces in places. Space, defined as a limited three-dimensional expanse, is devoid of life. Designing the architecture isgive life to spaces, creating possibilities for interactions and relationships, and the creation of ties and memories.

Localis is a place to discover possibilities in architecture, learn andshare experienceences.

Sobre nós

Localis connects people and ideas, knowledge and practice, theory and real life. It's about different points of view, experiences and perspectives.


Localis Blog is a virtual and collaborative place for sharing knowledge from different areas that are part of the construction of the places we inhabit. The objective is to transmit doses of knowledge and experiences that can help build a wide repertoire and encourage critical thinking.

About Us.

Image by Celso Hashimoto

Our story.

Idealized by the architectRita Patronand by the studentsincere Fernando, Localis appeared in 2020 as a renewal of the blogThe Place of Architecture, founded in 2018 by the same authors.


The site was initially published in Brazil, only in Portuguese. It was only in mid-2019, when Fernando Sincero moved to Italy to continue his studies in architecture, that the blog was translated into Italian for the first time.

Nossa história

As the site was growing internationally, keeping its first name would create comprehension issues, as it was a short sentence in Portuguese,The Place of Architecture, so the authors decided to rename it asLocalis, a more international and accessible name to reach a wider audience abroad.

Although Localis was translated into Italian in mid-2019, it wasn't until 2021 that it was officially launched in Italy as Localis Italia. Since then, the site has been based in two countries: in Brazil, as Localis Brasil; and in Italy, Localis Italia. 

Our story.

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